In the Chaos Tunnels, there's always an opportunity of the portal becoming unruly and transferring you to an undetermined room. [Open the Spoiler to see an interactive map of the distance from Green Dragons in Wilderness to banks, contrasted to Edgeville or the Grand Exchange through the Chaos Tunnels]
I suggest you begin by playing the dragons in green on Varrock and then, if you are unhappy with the bank times/number of players, move to the Chaos Tunnel greens.
You can find the green dragons in level 20 above the varrock, by acquiring a few games necklaces. Next, teleport to clan warfare after which you can walk a short distance east to find the dragons. Once you're done you can teleport to bounty hunter using the games necklace, bank then you can teleprot to clan wars, and repeat. This saves you a lot of time, and is cheap to make games necklaces, or buy a few additional sapphires.
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Thanks for suggestion about playing the dragons game, it was interesting and entertaining. Along with that, flix and lumi, a new season of nulls brawl with dragons game.
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