The result was everything forward - looking menswear should be: conceptual and cool - and wearable, too. Over the last few years Green has deftly translated his runway showpieces into quilted snap - front nylon jackets and lace - detail sweatshirts that are unmistakably his, but don't call attention to themselves the way one of his Emporer - Palpatine - on - holiday color - blocked parkas might.
It started from the monogram. There is a jacket [in the collection] that has a kind of twisted monogram, almost like an allover pattern rather than a centralized graphic.
Fashion is living in a post-Supreme x Louis Vuitton world; this is almost assuredly the tip of the iceberg when it comes to legacy brands doing limited - edition releases and streetwear - like collabs. Moncler has taken decades of making great jackets and injected the process with the buzzy energy needed to stay on the top of the game - and they've done it in a way that is sure to satisfy their own fans, as well as Fujiwara's.
The friendly and collaborative working environment. The team was super keen to help, impart knowledge and set industry standard level live tasks for us.
The atmosphere on the second floor where the men's collection is housed, is, on the other hand, entirely masculine: a space with depth and intimacy, created by alternating areas Moncler Jacket of shadow and light. Black is the common denominator, evoking the mysterious metropolitan charisma of Milan.
December is usually a quiet month in terms of trading announcements as the focus is on the critical holiday shopping period. Moncler was the only company in our luxury universe to offer insight into trading conditions, announcing that it did not expect sales to substantially recover before the second half of 2021.